Mazal Tov! It's A Girl

With Gratitude to the Almighty, we announce the birth of a baby girl!

Born on Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh Shvat, January 16 at 3:42 pm weighing 6 lbs 8 ozs

(Click here or on image below to view video clip of new baby!)
Baby's Picture 
She was named Menucha (rest, tranquility, peace) at the Torah reading on Monday morning.

May we collectively be blessed with joy in our families and share many happy occasions together including the speedy arrival of Moshiach!

PS Click here to listen to an audio class given by Racheli (just last week!) about why traditional Jews have large familes :-)

Rabbi Dov, Racheli, Yaffa, Chaya, Moti and Bracha Leba Muchnik

Muchnik Family July 2009.JPG

 Click below for details:

Menucha promo.jpg