
Season One

catalog - New Season Starting Tuesday, October 29 2019!

Chabad of Oxnard is proud to present our  Torah Studies catalog of classes for this Season One. A new beginning!

At Chabad, we value a deep, rich learning experience and we aim to provide this in an unequivocal way. This is why we have brought you a Torah Studies program of the highest caliber, developed by the world-renowned Rohr Jewish Learning Institute. The program brings you a series of stimulating text and discussion based classes that take place on a weekly basis. Our lessons will engage you in a multidimensional way by challenging you intellectually, spiritually and emotionally. They explore contemporary issues through a Torah perspective as well as tackling timeless questions in the Jewish tradition.

I invite you to browse through the topics in this catalog and to join us for some weekly inspirational study. These classes are open to all, whatever your level of learning may be, and I encourage you to bring your friends along.

Each class stands alone so please feel free to join us any week!

Looking forward to studying with you.

Rabbi Dov Muchnik

Tuesday, Oct. 29

Mirror on the Wall

Why What You See in Others Is a Reflection of Yourself

Two people witness the same event; one finds flaws, the other sees opportunity. What do our interpretations reveal about who we are? How can paying more attention to them help us become better people?

Tuesday, Nov. 5

Self-Care Isn’t Always What It’s Cracked Up to Be

Putting Someone Else’s Needs Before Your Own Makes the World Go Round

The twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were famously obliterated in a furious show of hail, sulfur, and fire. Shockingly, the Talmud classifies a Sodomite as one who simply states, “What’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is yours.” What can be so bad about that? Discover the root of all social ills and—more importantly—its potent antidote.

Tuesday, Nov. 12

Fixed in Time, Fixed into the Soul

A Designated Time and a Designated Place

Life is helter-skelter, with messages buzzing and our schedules changing by the moment. So how do we find time for the important things in life? That’s just it—“find” that time, and then passionately declare it off-limits. Find out the successful formula to ace your time management goals.

Tuesday, Nov. 19

Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day?

Love, Marriage, and the Cycle of Time

Examine the psychological parallels of morning, dusk, and evening to unlock secrets of human behavior that produce consistency in our loving relationships.

Tuesday, Nov. 26

Solving Your Jewish Identity Crisis

The Recipe for Achieving a Seamless Life

“The Rebbe showed no resentment. He leaned forward. ‘What you see missing from their eyes is a kera!’" With these words, the Rebbe offered a puzzled yet aspiring Jewish leader the secret of his Chasidim’s jovial approach to life. Discover it for yourself.

Tuesday, Dec. 3

Does G-d Need Our Prayers?

Prayer Is All about Us

To claim that G-d needs anything is nothing short of absurd. So why do we pray? you might ask. Well, prayer is actually a gift for the one praying, for it grants the person something they would never otherwise have had. And, surprise, surprise, it’s not money in your bank account.

Tuesday, Dec. 10

Stay Focused

The Best Way to Win Is Not to Engage

“Punch back!” “Stand your ground!” “Don’t let him get away with it!” are common battle cries we all hear in our social and spiritual development. But there’s a better way—find your mission and run with it; let the haters and challengers fall to the side.

Tuesday, Dec. 17

The Need for Jewish PR

Why Jews Must Engage with the World

Faced with endless persecution, Jews either dived into wider society and washed away their identity, or withdrew into ghettos, cutting all contact with the outside world. It’s time for a new path. The menorah sheds light on how to blaze a radical third approach.

Tuesday, Dec. 24

“Jewish Guilt” Is a Scam. There’s Really No Such Thing

Lessons from Joseph’s Majestic Behavior toward His Brothers

From this paragon of virtue, we cull tremendous life lessons on what it means to really do teshuvah, and how we can look at life’s “downs” not only as something tolerable, but an empowering step to a brighter future.

Tuesday, Dec. 31

You Can Bring Mashiach. Yes, You.

The Endgame Is in Our Hands, Now Let’s Get Cracking

It’s a curious thing: Throughout the history of our people, rabbis have been predicting “end dates” for Mashiach’s arrival. What’s the point of that? Were they false prophets offering up empty promises? The answer is as refreshing as it is empowering.

Tue., Jan. 7, 2020

Is the Gift of Gab Overrated?

A Look at the Way Society Values Style over Substance

Moses couldn’t speak properly. This class uses his extraordinary leadership to explore the importance of speech, both literally and metaphysically. Why was the great leader of the Jews so flawed? Why didn’t G-d care? And what lessons does this provide for us today?


Chabad of Oxnard


Torah Studies is a program of the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute